Ms. Wheelchair Pennsylvania 2023

Domonique Howell

Domonique Howell is 36 from Philadelphia PA. She is a mother, has cerebral palsy, is a full-time wheelchair user, and a disability advocate. Currently she works as an independent living specialist for Liberty Resources Inc., a center for independent living in Philadelphia. Her advocacy specialties are homelessness, affordable accessible housing, and the rights of parents with disabilities. She is also the developer and founder of Momma Chronicles Too (founded in 2014), a support and advocacy group for mothers with disabilities and women guardians who have disabled children. She currently is the co- chair of the Lived Experience Commission for the Road Maps to Home Board facilitated by the Office of Homeless Services in Philadelphia and the co-chair of the housing workgroup for the grassroots organization, ADAPT.


First Runner Up

Laurah Zeek

Laurah is a 36 year old and lives in Hollidaysburg, PA. Laurah has spinal stenosis, neuropathy, and is paraplegic at L3 and L4. She loves her nephews as if they were her own. Laurah lives with her mom, Sarah and has a sister, Rebekah. She has two dogs; Lucy and Phoenix. Laurah enjoys listening to music and watching sports. She is a devout Christian and likes to help others.

© Ms. Wheelchair Pennsylvania 2025